Room Kit Calculator

October 2012

Welcome to the Universal Acoustics online Room Kit Calculator, available for unrestricted use completely free of charge to all our customers, dealers and distributors worldwide.

There is no need to register or divulge your personal information as our sole intention is to recommend the most appropriate acoustic solution for your studio or workspace according to the length, width and height dimensional information entered. Simply click the calculate button to obtain automatic notification of the ideal Universal Acoustic Room Kit for your given room size.

Please enter your room dimensions:

Length in metres (Between 2.0 and 7.0)
Width in meters (Between 2.0 and 7.0)
Height in metres (Between 2.0 and 3.6)

All Universal Acoustics Mercury and Neptune Solar Systems include appropriate absorption panels, bass traps, adhesives and install guide and have been specially configured to provide realistic and affordable acoustic absorption and reverberation control within most types of rooms and spaces such as Project Studios, Post Production facilities, Home Cinemas, Rehearsal Rooms, Home Studios, Boardrooms, Language Labs, and Reception areas - in fact virtually any environment that would benefit from professionally designed sound control.

In most examples our kits will provide an ideal solution but in situations where unusual room characteristics are evident or when customers individual requirements may vary, additional bass traps can be beneficial and the utilization of our diffusers can be useful to add a "bigger" sound to smaller rooms. Whatever your scenario or whenever customization is required feel free to forward your enquiry complete with room information and images to and we will be pleased to help.

The performance of every studio workspace will dramatically improve with the implementation of our products and all of our kits offer great cost effective performance, but don't panic if you can't immediately stretch to the recommended kit. We use the same components throughout the range so you can you always purchase a smaller kit and work your way up at as soon as you are ready, all our components match.



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